Search the SFO Museum Collection

There are no results where the object has not been digitized and the category is 1511214209 and the airline is 1159285415 or 1159285963 or 1159285413 or 1159285417 or 1159285423 and aircraft is 1159289651 and decade is 1950 and the query mode is to match the entire phrase . Would you like to try a new search?

Click here to see the database query used to perform this search
    "query": {
        "function_score": {
            "query": {
                "bool": {
                    "must": [
                            "term": {
                                "sfomuseum:placetype": "object"
                            "bool": {
                                "should": [
                                        "term": {
                                            "millsfield:category_id": "1511214209"
                            "bool": {
                                "should": [
                                        "bool": {
                                            "should": [
                                                    "ids": {
                                                        "values": "1159285415"
                                                    "term": {
                                                        "wof:depicts": "1159285415"
                                                    "term": {
                                                        "millsfield:airline_id": "1159285415"
                                        "bool": {
                                            "should": [
                                                    "ids": {
                                                        "values": "1159285963"
                                                    "term": {
                                                        "wof:depicts": "1159285963"
                                                    "term": {
                                                        "millsfield:airline_id": "1159285963"
                                        "bool": {
                                            "should": [
                                                    "ids": {
                                                        "values": "1159285413"
                                                    "term": {
                                                        "wof:depicts": "1159285413"
                                                    "term": {
                                                        "millsfield:airline_id": "1159285413"
                                        "bool": {
                                            "should": [
                                                    "ids": {
                                                        "values": "1159285417"
                                                    "term": {
                                                        "wof:depicts": "1159285417"
                                                    "term": {
                                                        "millsfield:airline_id": "1159285417"
                                        "bool": {
                                            "should": [
                                                    "ids": {
                                                        "values": "1159285423"
                                                    "term": {
                                                        "wof:depicts": "1159285423"
                                                    "term": {
                                                        "millsfield:airline_id": "1159285423"
                            "bool": {
                                "should": [
                                        "bool": {
                                            "should": [
                                                    "ids": {
                                                        "values": "1159289651"
                                                    "term": {
                                                        "wof:depicts": "1159289651"
                                                    "term": {
                                                        "millsfield:aircraft_id": "1159289651"
                            "range": {
                                "date:inception_upper": {
                                    "gte": "1950-01-01",
                                    "format": "yyyy-mm-dd"
                            "range": {
                                "date:cessation_lower": {
                                    "lte": "1959-12-13",
                                    "format": "yyyy-mm-dd"
                    "must_not": [
                            "bool": {
                                "should": [
                                        "exists": {
                                            "field": "millsfield:images"
                            "exists": {
                                "field": "sfomuseum:image_id"
                            "exists": {
                                "field": "edtf:deprecated"
            "functions": [],
            "boost_mode": "multiply",
            "score_mode": "multiply",
            "boost": 10,
            "max_boost": 500
    "sort": [
            "_script": {
                "type": "number",
                "script": "doc['millsfield:images'].size()",
                "order": "desc"
            "wof:name.keyword": "desc"
            "date:inception_inner_start": "desc",
            "date:cessation_outer_end": "desc"
    "aggs": {
        "collection": {
            "terms": {
                "field": "millsfield:collection_id",
                "exclude": [
                "size": 1000,
                "order": {
                    "_key": "asc"
        "category": {
            "terms": {
                "field": "millsfield:category_id",
                "exclude": [
                "size": 1000,
                "order": {
                    "_key": "asc"
        "subcategory": {
            "terms": {
                "field": "millsfield:subcategory_id",
                "exclude": [
                "size": 1000,
                "order": {
                    "_key": "asc"
        "airline": {
            "terms": {
                "field": "millsfield:airline_id",
                "exclude": [
                "size": 1000,
                "order": {
                    "_key": "asc"
        "aircraft": {
            "terms": {
                "field": "millsfield:aircraft_id",
                "exclude": [
                "size": 1000,
                "order": {
                    "_key": "asc"
        "airport": {
            "terms": {
                "field": "millsfield:airport_id",
                "exclude": [
                "size": 1000,
                "order": {
                    "_key": "asc"
        "images": {
            "value_count": {
                "field": "millsfield:images"
        "exhibition": {
            "terms": {
                "field": "millsfield:exhibition_ids",
                "exclude": [
                "size": 1000,
                "order": {
                    "_key": "asc"

You can also filter your query by manually selecting one or more of the following criteria below.

Airlines (A - C)
Airlines (D - F)
Airlines (G - I)
Airlines (J - L)
Airlines (M - O)
Airlines (P - R)
Airlines (S - U)
Airlines (V - X)
Airlines (Y - Z)
Aircraft (A - C)
Aircraft (D - F)
Aircraft (G - I)
Aircraft (J - L)
Aircraft (M - O)
Aircraft (P - R)
Aircraft (S - U)
Aircraft (V - X)
Aircraft (Y - Z)
Airports (A - C)
Airports (D - F)
Airports (G - I)
Airports (J - L)
Airports (M - O)
Airports (P - R)
Airports (S - U)
Airports (V - X)
Airports (Y - Z)
Years (2900)
Years (2000)
Years (1900)
Years (1800)
Years (1700)
Years (0200)
Years (0100)
Date range